Sunday, July 14, 2019

Going Growing..Glowing

After close to 3 hours delay at JFK (plus another 2 hours being questioned at immigration on details of our study programs), we arrived 10.30pm, Friday 12 July in Charlotte. Having Tommy Fuller and Daniel McNamee from Uptown to meet us at the airport was certainly a welcoming sight! As we go, we are thankful that we can also grow into relationships to be formed here, not only just in the seminary but also with the church community.

Thanks to those who came to send us off at KLIA, we are grateful for your encouragement, wishes and prayers.

Thank also to the CDPC community who gave us a hearty send-off last Sunday - a precious reminder that we are part of the Body of Christ and as we go and grow, we are to also glow in service unto Christ who is the Head of the Church. Amen.

Please pray for us
We visited a few apartments yesterday near the seminary and found one that we like. May make a decision to go for that one - please pray that we will have the insights to consider all relevant factors and take the right steps going forward.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Plurality of Leadership

Serving is fun when we serve together! One leadership culture in CDPC is the plurality of leadership where there is no one dominant voice that "superstars" the church but an active listening and deliberation that honors one another as a fellow members of the Body of Christ. That means we only have One Head - Jesus Christ Himself. I will certainly miss those "arm-wrestling" and "planking" moments when we were not only busy planning but also mindful to have fun as well!

It is true - you cannot love Jesus Christ without also loving His Bride, the Church - the Body of believers of whom He gave His life for. To the pastors, elders and deacons - you are indeed our glory and our joy!

Please pray for us
We are only days away from 11 July - all this seems so unreal, we are so busy packing and prepping that we don't even have much time to even feel what's going on! Please pray for my time of internship at Uptown Church (assigned to be part of the mercy ministry team) that the Lord will further clarify His calling for my wife and I as to how we can best fit to serve in the Body of Christ. Also we hope to be able to quickly locate a suitable apartment to rent (near the seminary) when we touch down on 12 July.

Joseph & Debra.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Internship at Uptown Church

We are blessed to be in fellowship with Pastor Micah and Blair who gave us helpful insights into life in Charlotte and more importantly, what it means to be part of the local church community. Specifically, I am looking forward being on staff at Uptown Church as an intern - serving in the mercy ministry. To me, studying in RTS is more than just sticking my nose into piles of books and lecture notes but getting involved in the lives of people - the members of the Body of Christ.

We thank you for Pastor Micah and Blair who has gone before us in that journey and we look to them as our guides even when we are in the US. We are grateful for our family-to-family fellowship and bonding!

Please pray for us
Pray for us to be intentional in connecting with the local church community in Uptown as we find our fit in the Body of Christ. We would certainly like to serve in our area of gifting and yet at the same time be open for exposure to learn from a wider perspective of ministry as well.

Oh yes, we are only about a week away from departure - 11 July, 8.50pm. Pray for energy and wisdom as we tie the "loose ends' and pack the boxes!